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Simple Machines

Simple Machines
Read the following article about simple machines. Look around your house and see if you can find 2 examples of each type of machine.


  1. I have a wheel, axes, a doorknob, and a broom

    1. Lacey
      I have wheel's,Axes,Doorknobs,and brooms.

  2. Easton Rhiner
    We have a Axes and a Ramp at our house.

  3. We have a broom, wheel, and shovel

  4. we have a broom a shovel an ax a doorknob and a wheel.

  5. Brock
    I have a tredmil and is a incline plane.
    we have a lot of these machines at our house.


  6. Skyler Harth
    We have a mop a broom and my mom has a treadmill that goes up and down. Dave has a semi that has lots of knobs to dump the corn and fill it!

  7. My grandma has a semi that has axle on it. We have a lot of simple machines in my dads shop. We also have an ax to cut wood while camping. We also have a log splitter. We have a trailer with a ramp on it and a different trailer with a tilt bed. We have a seesaw.

  8. We have curtains with pulleys, knifes, and a sledgehammer, axels on the cars, our handels on our coffee table cupboards have screws on them.

  9. We have curtains at our hog barns that you can raise and lower if its hot or cold out. For incline we have a ramp to put our lawn mower on so we can take it to the hog barns. My dad uses a axe to cut wood for a bon fire. On my hydro flask the top screws on so I can open and close it. We have a seesaw at our church. We have doorknobs.

  10. we have a shovel ,a broom and a doornob

  11. We have a shovel, a broom, and a doorknob

  12. I have a shovel doorknob and a broom


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